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We still need your voice though! Consider taking action on other important issues and make a difference for endangered species, the habitats they live in, and the communities that depend on them.

Help Stop Future Pandemics

Take action on this issue

Humanity's relationship with nature is broken. There are direct links between what we do to nature and the emergence of infectious diseases. We need to change how we are consuming wild animals, how we are producing food, and how we are using land.

Pledge to Cut Your Carbon Footprint

Take action on this issue

Pledge to Do More. Commit to reducing your carbon footprint by taking a hard look the electricity you use, how you get from place to place, and the footprint of your food.

Extended Producer Responsibility

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We need to implement Extended Producer Responsibility that would remove the burden of recycling from taxpayers and communities and ensure the companies that create waste are responsible for reducing their plastic footprint.

Protect tigers by switching to forest-friendly products

Take action on this issue

Sign on with WWF and pledge to do your part to protect forests and save wildlife by supporting products that have the Forest Stewardship CouncilTM (FSC®) label.

No plastic in nature by 2030

Take action on this issue

Urge the world's leaders to act strongly and decisively in developing the full content of the treaty to end plastic pollution by 2024.

Pledge for Our Planet

Take action on this issue

Our planet is facing major conservation challenges. It needs our help more than ever. Take the pledge to help WWF solve the world's greatest environmental problems.

Stop Wildlife Crime

Take action on this issue

Sign on with WWF and pledge to do your part to stop wildlife crime.